114. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List

1. Description

Given a binary tree, flatten it to a linked list in-place.

2. Solutions

My Accepted Solution

n is the number of nodes in the tree
Time complexity: O(n)
Space complexity: O(n)

class Solution 
	TreeNode *iter; // we use iter to traverse the tree, for the tree, it means the last constructed node

    void preorderConstructTree(TreeNode *m_root) // we construct the tree like preorder traversal
        auto rightSubTree = m_root->right; // we will turn all left nodes into right nodes, so we keep the right subtree for later use
        iter->right = m_root; // turn the current node into a right node
        iter = iter->right;
        // turn the left subtree
        if(iter->left) preorderConstructTree(iter->left); 
        // now, iter is the last node at the left subtree, then we link it with the origin right subtree
        if(rightSubTree) preorderConstructTree(rightSubTree); 
        // don't forget to delete all left subtrees
        m_root->left = nullptr;
    // void flatten(TreeNode* root)
    void flatten(TreeNode *m_root) 
        if(!m_root) return;
        iter = new TreeNode();

2.1 Look For Previous Node

n is the number of nodes in the tree
Time complexity: O(n)
Space complexity: O(1)

class Solution 
    // void flatten(TreeNode* root)
    void flatten(TreeNode *m_root) 
        for(auto iter = m_root; iter; )
            // if the iter->left is valid, then its most right node is the previous node of iter's right subtree
                auto nextNode = iter->left;
                auto previousNode = nextNode;
                // we find the right subtree's previous node
                while(previousNode->right) previousNode = previousNode->right;

                // then link them
                previousNode->right = iter->right;
                iter->left = nullptr;
                iter->right = nextNode;
            iter = iter->right;
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