530. Minimum Absolute Difference in BST

1. Description

Given a binary search tree with non-negative values, find the minimum absolute difference between values of any two nodes.

2. Note

  • There are at least two nodes in this BST.
  • This question is the same as Leetcode 783.

3. Solutions

In-order Traverse

n is the number of nodes in root
Time complexity: O(n)
Space complexity: O(n)

class Solution {
    int getMinimumDifference(const TreeNode *root) {

        return _min_diff;

    int _min_diff = INT_MAX;
    int _pre_value = -1;

    void _inorder_traverse(const TreeNode *root) {
        if (root != nullptr) {

            if (_pre_value != -1) {
                _min_diff = min(root->val - _pre_value, _min_diff);
            _pre_value = root->val;

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Tags: Tree
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